My Journey

A long time ago, I had a conversation with my mom. I said to her, “If you ever wonder why at 100, you’re still on this planet, you can blame me… It’s what I’m praying for.” We laughed. Deep down inside, though, it was exactly what I wanted. My mom and I were like soul sisters; she was my absolute best friend. I loved talking to her. We were so similar. Talking to her was like talking to myself. Whenever I had a dilemma, I would call her up, knowing she would have the right answer for me. My mother and I were literally on the same page about pretty much everything; it was truly a blessing to have a mother and a friend like her.

My dad and I had a different kind of relationship. My dad was very supportive – He was my encourager. I was timid growing up – Not one to venture out; he encouraged me every chance he got. My dad was a hard worker; a great man. Neither one of them should have left the planet the way they did.
After their murder, my faith was shaken. I questioned everything. I started to wonder what life on this planet was all about. It wasn’t making sense. It didn’t make sense that I would pray, and very little, if anything, that I asked for turned out as expected. How was life supposed to work then? Why wasn’t it working? Through my pain, I needed answers. That’s when my journey started. After deep introspection and seeking God, I became interested in eastern spirituality. I began to see God in ways I never had before. That is when I decided to combine my roots of western spirituality with my newfound interest in components of eastern spirituality. The combination of east meets west was revolutionary to me. It was like an unveiling of sorts; truth started rushing in. I saw God and life from a completely different perspective. It is this perspective that ultimately challenged me to transform my life.

Before my Journey

Before my journey into awareness, I had no idea how busy my mind was. Thoughts would flood in at what seemed like a million miles a minute. My thoughts consumed my every waking moment – I was an active thinker and a very active dreamer; I never got a break from my thoughts. All this, coupled with the fact that I was a worrywart and an over-analyzer, made the challenge of quieting my mind and being at peace even more difficult.
I didn’t realize I was sabotaging myself with my active thought life – A lot of my thinking, come to find out, was self-defeating and did not serve me well. As a result, I suffered. I spent a lot of my younger years in, negative self-talk, self-pity, and in a perpetual state of disappointment. I knew I was meant for so much more, but I had no idea how to get out of my own way to get there. That is until I started my journey.

We all suffer to some degree on this planet, some more so than others. Most of our suffering, unfortunately, is self-inflicted. I know now that it doesn’t have to be that way. Once I learned how to relax my mind and monitor my thoughts, my life started to shift. Being aware of your thoughts is a state of being; it’s a lifestyle. It’s paramount to finding your true self, a healthy, whole, authentic self.

Seeing the transformation in my own life and my daughter’s life made me realize that I needed to share what I knew with others. I knew I had to help others who were suffering, regardless of why find their way to wholeness and a life of abundance and fulfillment.

If you’re struggling with life and feel like you’re being buried alive under the pressures and stress of living, there are solutions. The calling on my life is to help as many people as possible find their path to peace and a life absent of constant turmoil, stress, and self-loathing. Assisting people to find their true and authentic selves is so important – I genuinely believe there would be so much less suffering and pain in this world if people knew how to tap into their inner soul and power to find their true selves.
I’ve studied eastern spirituality from what I consider the best in the industry. I have also spent many years in the school of hard knocks. What I have learned, I can now share with you.

I don’t claim to be a guru. I have, however, spent many years seeking spiritual wisdom and have first-hand experience that the revelation I’ve received is divine, powerful, and works. To share what I know is why I’m here. For you to find me, it is why you did. I’d love to have you join this journey with me.