
Hello Beautiful Souls,

How about a mindset shift. I’m sure we all could use one from time to time. With all that is going on in the world, it seems it’s getting harder and harder to catch a breath, never mind catch a break – Most days seem impossible; the bills and expenses keep rolling in, yet the money doesn’t. Your boss is relentless with unrealistic demands – It seems nothing you do is ever enough! You struggle with relationships, with family and friends, and the people around you are driving you crazy – Life is just not working. You are exhausted and wish there was some way to escape the madness. As you look around, you wonder if there’s any hope. Well, there is. Regardless of what’s happening around you, there is a way to bring calm and balance to the inside. Inside of you, your home and ultimately the world existing around you, but before I go any further, let’s first talk about you!

When was the last time you updated your brain with the latest version of you? Phones and computers get updates all the time. So what about you? What about your mind? Your brain is recording information continuously, that information is transmitted to parts of your body, to perform various tasks. Your brain also produces chemicals. These chemicals can either work for you or against you – Don’t worry, you do have a choice in this process. Please stick with me; I’ll get to that.

Some of the information stored in your brain may no longer be serving you well. Most likely, you have programs running from when you were a child. Also, you may be sending information to your brain that is no longer serving you well. In a nutshell, you may have two things working against you: Old information that needs to go or destructive information being transmitted, that you are unwittingly using to sabotage yourself, hence your life. We keep trying to change our circumstances, our lives, ourselves, while old programs are still running or worse, harmful programs. It’s no wonder some things never change in our lives. It’s time to take a look at your programming; it may be way overdue for an update. Opting out of the update is going to get you more of what you’re trying to avoid. That psycho relationship, jobs that you hate, always financially broke, health problems, rarely ever happy, and the list goes on.

I realize that life is not all bad – Some days are great! In fact, some days are downright awesome! We all have times when everything falls right into place. You have extra money in the bank, things at home, including your relationships, are flowing smoothly; work is going well, and the people around you are actually pleasant for a change. Life is great again! Then suddenly, out of nowhere, BOOM! You are catapulted through the air, right back on that roller coaster, nightmarish life of yours…” What the hell – Not again!” Everything was going so well! Feeling hopeless, frustrated, discouraged, and depressed, you wonder, “Why does this keep happening to me…What am I doing wrong? Will, I ever get this, right?” It seems no matter how hard you try, you always end up right back where you started…in a mess! 

When everything is going well in life, so is the information that is transmitted to your brain. The brain uses the data to produce favorable outcomes. So, how much of the information, being sent to the brain is intentional? Surprisingly not much! The bottom line is, you can train, and reprogram your brain and your mind to work in your favor, but you have to be aware of what you think. If your mind is healthy, the information you send to your brain will be healthy, hence a healthy, happy life. You can learn to send the right information to your brain by having healthy thoughts. Doing so consistently over time, will change the trajectory of your life and bring lasting results that you so desperately want.

If you limit your brain, you limit yourself, if you limit yourself you limit your potential, if you limit your potential you restrict your life. If you want to change the course of your life and have sustainable results, rather than the perpetual fits and starts you’re currently experiencing, you will have to start with your mind. Get your mind right and your brain will follow. Your mind and brain in tandem, are potent. You are capable of producing extraordinarily amazing and beautiful things.

If you are in your 20’s and 30’s or possibly younger YAY...You are in the right place – Don’t leave, keep reading – You are at the perfect age to learn what I have to teach you. For those who are older, I’m SO glad you’re here! It’s never too late to reinvent yourself and become awesome or get your life back! I started my awesomeness (is that even a word) journey when I was in my 50’s, and now I am living my best life ever! Here’s the thing, none of us are getting any younger, and many of us aren’t getting any happier, so why wait!  In 1 or 2 years from now (the length of time depends on you), you’ll look back and be so grateful that you took this journey with me when you did! Either way, time passes. It can pass with you in the same conditions you’ve always been in, or it can pass with you being in an extraordinary place. The choice is yours.

Your success is my success, and I plan to be there with you every step of the way. You have to promise me one thing, though, and that is, you will NEVER give up or lose hope in yourself. What I share is not typical, it will require work, but the work will be worth it! What I have to share with you is unique and divine, if you will. It comes from years of experience and from working with people for over three decades – It comes from the school of hard knocks, but most importantly, It comes from within; from my heart, my powerhouse. 

My mission is to share what I know with people who are struggling with life. It doesn’t matter to me what your background is, what your culture, religion, shape, size, color, economic or financial standing is. None of that matters to me. The only thing that matters is that you’re a Human being, with a soul and spirit. If that’s what you have, then great, you have just what I need to work with, and if you’re still reading this, then what I have is for you! 

Are you ready for your breakthrough? Would you love to get the life that you have always wanted for yourself? Allow me, someone who knows what it’s like to go through pain and suffering, to show you how you can navigate the trials of life and come out victorious. It bothers me to think that other hard-working beautiful souls are out there in pain, hurting and frustrated with themselves and life, all because they don’t have the tools they need for change. So let’s do this thing together – Let’s not waste any more time!

Sign up to receive my free weekly newsletter. It’s my way of staying in touch with you. I want to cheer you on and give you an encouraging word every step of the way. If you’re ready to take this journey with me, sign up. If you’re a little reluctant, I say, sign up anyway and see how it goes. If nothing else, you will get a chance to spend some time with someone who genuinely cares about you!

Oh, and don’t forget to get your free ebook!